About the Bausback Company
We are an internationally renowned company specialized in exquisite oriental and collector’s carpets with a business tradition of more than 80 years. Since 1925, we have not only traded in carpets, but also made sure that precious exemplars are expertly preserved through careful restoration and cleaning. Skilled knowledge, committed collecting as well as competent and expert customer counselling are the qualities that have made us one of Europe’s most renowned carpet traders.
Experienced collectors as well as customers who have only recently discovered their passion for carpets appreciate it if the trader is not only able to offer exquisite pieces but also knows something about the tradition-rich art of carpet knotting and shares his collected experience with them. The company’s present owners Peter and Christian Bausback have recognized that it is necessary to explore the world markets personally and with profound (historical, arthistorical, ethnological) knowledge in order to establish a good collection of exquisite antique carpets.

D.K. Deutscher Kunsthandelsverband e.V
CINOA Confédération Internationale des Négocients en Oevres d‘ Art
B.S.O.T. Bundesverband der Sachverständigen für orientalische, handgeknüpfte Teppiche und Flachgewebe e.V.
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ALTE UND ANTIKE MEISTERSTÜCKE ORIENTALISCHER TEPPICHKNÜPFKUNST (Old and Antique Masterpieces of Oriental Knotting), exhibition October 18 – 27 1969. Peter Bausback, 95 pages, 44 coloured illustrations.
ALTE UND ANTIKE MEISTERSTÜCKE ORIENTALISCHER KNÜPFKUNST, Peter Bausback, exhibition October 17 – 26 1970, 95 pages, 45 coloured illustrations.
ALTE UND ANTIKE MEISTERSTÜCKE ORIENTALISCHER KNÜPFKUNST, Peter Bausback, exhibition from October 16 – 25 1971, 151 pages, 88 illustrations.
ALTE UND ANTIKE MEISTERSTÜCKE ORIENTALISCHER KNÜPFKUNST, Peter Bausback, exhibition October 14 – 22 1972, 133 pages, 65 coloured illustrations.
ALTE UND ANTIKE MEISTERSTÜCKE ORIENTALISCHER KNÜPFKUNST, Peter Bausback, exhibition October 13 – 21 1973, 207 pages, 100 coloured illustrations.
ALTE UND ANTIKE MEISTERSTÜCKE CHINESISCHER TEPPICHKNÜPFKUNST (Old and Antique Masterpieces of Chinese Carpet Knotting), Peter Bausback, exhibition October 12 – 18 1974, 64 pages, 30 coloured illustrations.
Exhibition November 9 – 25 “Kaukasische Teppiche – Russische Ikonen – Sowjetische Realisten” (Caucasian Carpets – Russian Icons – Soviet Realists), same-named catalogue of the Bausback gallery, Peter Bausback, 32 pages, 40 illustrations.
Exhibition September 28 –October 11 „Max Ackermann“, exhibition for the 88th birthday of Max Ackermann, oil paintings, pastel und graphic drawings from 1917-1974. Same-named catalogue, 32 pages, 29 illustrations of the Bausback gallery.
ANTIKE MEISTERSTÜCKE ORIENTALISCHER KNÜPFKUNST, Jubilee catalogue, 391 pages, 200 coloured illustrations, Peter Bausback, exhibition October 17 – 27 1975.
ANTIKE ORIENTALISCHE KNÜPFKUNST (Antique Oriental Knotting), Peter Bausback, exhibition October 16 – 26 1976, 325 pages, 160 coloured illustrations.
ALTE ORIENTALISCHE FLACHGEWEBE (Antique Oriental Flat-Weave Textiles), Peter Bausback, exhibition April 29 – May 28 1977, 72 pages, 68 coloured illustrations.
ANTIKE ORIENTALISCHE KNÜPFKUNST, Peter Bausback, exhibition October 14 – 24 1977, 230 pages, 200 coloured illustrations.
„Die Geschichte des frühen türkischen Teppichs“ (The History of the Early Turkish Carpet) by Kurt Erdmann, Edition Franz Bausback.
ANATOLISCHE KNÜPFTEPPICHE AUS VIER JAHRHUNDERTEN, (Anatolian Knot Carpets of Four Centuries), Peter Bausback, exhibition April 28 – May 27 1978, 112 pages, 55 coloured illustrations.
ANTIKE ORIENTTEPPICHE (Antique Oriental Carpets), Peter Bausback, 544 pages, 270 coloured illustrations, published by Klinkhardt und Biermann, Braunschweig, Germany.
ALTE UND ANTIKE ORIENTALISCHE KNÜPFKUNST, Peter Bausback, exhibition October 12 – 21 1979, 160 pages, 140 coloured illustrations.
ALTE UND ANTIKE CHINESISCHE KNÜPFKUNST, Peter Bausback, exhibition March 15 – 23 1980, 96 pages, 90 coloured illustrations.
ALTE UND ANTIKE ORIENTALISCHE KNÜPFKUNST, Peter Bausback, exhibition October 10 – 19 1980, 160 pages, 155 coloured illustrations.
ALTE KNÜPFARBEITEN DER BELUTSCHEN (Old Baluch Knot Textiles), Peter Bausback, exhibition November 19 – December 20 1980, 49 pages, 45 coloured illustrations.
SUZANI Stickereien aus Mittelasien (SUZANI Central Asian Embroideries), Peter Bausback, exhibition April 03 – 13 1981, 64 pages, 60 coloured illustrations.
ALTE UND ANTIKE ORIENTALISCHE KNÜPFKUNST, Peter Bausback, exhibition October 09 – 19 1981, 160 pages, 90 coloured illustrations.
„Orientteppiche – Plaudereien eines Sammlers“ (Of Oriental Carpets and Collectors) by Martin Volkmann, Edition Bausback.
ALTE UND ANTIKE ORIENTALISCHE FLACHGEWEBE, Peter Bausback, exhibition March 26 – April 05 1982, 63 pages, 65 coloured illustrations.
ALTE UND ANTIKE ORIENTALISCHE KNÜPFKUNST, Peter Bausback, exhibition October 08 – 18 1982, 160 Pages, 110 coloured illustrations.
„D O B A G” NEUE ANATOLISCHE DORFTEPPICHE MIT NATURFARBEN, (New Anatolian Village Carpets with Natural Colours), Dr. Harald Böhmer and Peter Bausback, exhibition November 27 – December 24 1982, 60 pages, 50 coloured illustrations.
DER KELIM (The Kilim), Peter Bausback, 288 pages, 140 coloured illustrations, published by Klinkhardt und Biermann, Munich.
ALTE UND ANTIKE ORIENTALISCHE KNÜPFKUNST, Peter Bausback, exhibition October 07 – 17 1983, 160 pages, 90 illustrations. The book is also available in English.
DER PAZYRYK, Ein 2500 Jahre alter Knüpfteppich aus einem Eisgrab im Altai-Gebirge, Seine Deutung und Herkunft, (THE PAZYRIK; A 2500-Year-Old Knot Carpet Preserved In An Icy Grave In The Altai Mountains; Interpretation And Origin), Ulrich Schürmann, Edition Bausback.
„Otto Dill zum 100.Geburtstag“ (For the 100th birthday of Otto Dill), catalogue, 16 pages, 18 illustrations.
ISLAMISCHE STICKEREIEN aus vier Jahrhunderten, (Islamic Embroideries of Four Centuries), Peter Bausback, exhibition May 09 – 31 1985, 60 pages, 33 coloured illustrations.
Antike Teppiche Sammlung Franz Bausback 1987/88 (Franz Bausback Collection of Antique Carpets 1987/1988), Peter Bausback, exhibition October 1987, 250 pages, 180 coloured illustrations.
ALTE TEPPICHE AUS TIBET, Meditationen in Wolle (Old Tibetan Carpets, Woollen Meditations) Christian Bausback, exhibition October 01 – 22 1989, 70 pages, 37 coloured illustrations.
PANSE & KELIM, catalogue for the exhibition on „Begegnungen der Kunst“ (Artistic Encounters) from May 17 – 10 June 1995. Die hohe handwerkliche Tradition der Kelimweberei begegnet den Arbeiten des Dresdner Künstlers Frank Panse (The great traditional craft of Kilim weaving encounters the works of the Dresden-based artist Frank Panse).
Sammlung FRANZ BAUSBACK, Erlesene Teppiche seit 1925, Katalog zum 75jährigen Firmenjubiläum (FRANZ BAUSBACK Collection, Exquisite Carpets Since 1925, catalogue for the 75th anniversary of the Bausback Company), Peter Bausback, Mannheim 2000, 256 pages, 192 coloured illustrations.
SAMMLUNG GRELLE, Lamaistische Meditationsteppiche aus Tibet
TEXTURA. Süddeutsche Sammlung historischer Teppiche aus dem 15.-17. Jahrhundert
NEUE SACHLICHKEIT AZILAL. Ausstellung Oktober/November 2014
KASCHKULI - moderne Teppiche aus Südiran